The contents of this book are the result of a study, prompted by a sermon in which a preacher mentioned that the giants in Canaan, the Nephilim, were the result of fallen angels having children with human women. Using the bible alone, without the benefit of other books written on the topic, except a Strong’s concordance for clarity of word meanings, I was inclined to determine whether or not that might be true.
I have found that the Holy Spirit is the only teacher needed and what I have come to understand seems the most rational explanation of the Nephilim. I have also found that much insight is given regarding theories I have heard in sermons, concerning other biblical matters over the years. The result is a short book with insights gleaned from the bible concerning creation, the garden, the Nephilim and the gospel.
It is clear that the Genesis account of creation does not seek to explain the minutiae of the creative process. It assumes the readers understand that there is an omnipotent God at work, and that He can do that which the human mind cannot understand. Genesis therefore, is not an attempt to convince us of what the truth is, but simply states, in a matter of fact way, the story we need to better understand the bible, the gospel and who we truly are created to be. Specific details are not always given, but the general outline is, hidden within which is a wealth of information and principles that are of great benefit to us.
This book is best read slowly and thoughtfully, using a bible to reference highlighted areas to give context to the passages.
There is more to our existence in this world than what we can see with our eyes. There is in fact, an unseen world with which we interact everyday; a world that has more influence on our reality than we may have imagined. This book will allow us to gain some insight into that world and teach us what the bible has to say about it!